Repeat Prescriptions

Ordering Online

You can order your repeat prescriptions on line now at
Please make sure you have registered for this service first by completing the form available below:

Please allow 72 hours for the processing of your prescription request (not including weekends or public holidays).  Some requests may require a visit to your doctor before the prescription can be issued.

Please note ONLY items currently on your repeat prescription can be ordered online

Ordering from the Surgery

Please drop off or post the repeat prescription part of your prescription with the medication you require ticked to the surgery. There is a box in front of reception for this. Please do not hand it in at reception as the box will be regularly checked.

Ordering by Fax

Please fax repeat prescription requests to 01620 897005.

Ordering by email

Patients can email the practice with their repeat prescription request by sending the email to the following email address:

Please copy and paste this address into your email account. 

As well as their prescription order, patients should include their name, address and date of birth in their email to enable us to process the request.  Failure to include this information may result in a delay in you receiving your prescription.

Ordering Through Your Local Pharmacy

Patients can arrange for the local pharmacies to manage the re-ordering of their repeat prescriptions on their behalf.  Please contact Boots or North Berwick Pharmacy in North Berwick or Gullane Pharmacy in Gullane for more information.

Pharmacy Communications

Practice position on prescribing medication recommended by private providers

We are aware that many of our patients seek specialist opinions in the private sector. Frequently, we are involved in the referral process however in some situations patients instigate their own referrals.
Regardless of the referral pathway please be aware that as GPs funded by the NHS, we are not always in a position to provide medications recommended by private practitioners. At the point of seeking a private referral it should not be your expectation that we will be able to provide you with the recommended treatment and you may have to fund this yourself.

This is for a number of reasons including;

  • the use of treatments that lie beyond our area of expertise
  • the use of treatments that are not prescribed in line with the local prescribing guidelines. Such guidelines exist to ensure safety and value for money for NHS patients.
  • the use of treatments by private providers that involve a degree of specialist monitoring and surveillance that we are not funded to undertake

As an NHS funded service we are currently working under significant pressure and it is essential that we utilise the time and resources at our disposal to maximise the delivery of NHS care.